So Sunday was my HALF BIRTHDAY! Yes that is right... HALF birthday! I dont know why but many people do not observe this holiday. Frankly I think it is a waste not to... why not celebrate it! I mean to only have one day a year dedicated solely to yourself simply is not enough! That is why I celebrate my half birthday too! Nothing special of course. I just make sure to tell everyone I know that it is my half birthday and they have 6 months to start thinking about the BIG DAY! One year in high school while I was working at a local bank one of my co workers was nice enough to bring in half a cupcake with half a candle in it! My best friend Elyse clearly had good intentions this year when she sent me an email with a picture of half a cupcake wishing me a happy half birthday. Frankly the real thing is much better! But I still love her because she is 1 in only about 3 people that actually believe in celebrating my half birthday so I let it go this once :)
To calculate your half birthday (is it really that difficult?) you can visit this website: http://peterjanes.ca/peterj/half-birthday.cgi