So Michael and I have been looking for a house for the past 6 months. We looked online for a while to get our feet wet and started looking at homes in person in April. Now that I am writing it, it does not seem like we have been looking for that long. But when I tell you it was time for us to find a freaking house... oh man was it time! We have gone house hunting every weekend and a few week nights too. We had found a house we thought we loved, made an offer, and the sellers would not come down in price so we walked. We found another house we thought was perfect but it had a swampy yard... GRRR! It seemed like we were never going to find a house. We were so aggravated that we were going to take the rest of the month off from looking and wait until after the 4th of July holiday to start the search again. We had seen a house online and decided we would go out looking one last time before our hiatus. Well we FELL IN LOVE with the house and ended up making an offer that night!!! We did a bit of negotiating but found out today that the sellers... ACCEPTED OUR OFFER!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Obviously we have to do all of the inspections and all that other lame grown up stuff you have to do before you buy a house lol but we hope to have a closing date in mid August. We are SOOOOO excited!!!
So yesterday I went to my first wedding as a photographer. Well technically I was shadowing the photographers, but either way... it was AWESOME! I was working with Jakeand Megan who are two of the most talented photographers I have ever met! They are both great teachers and just a blast to be around. While they were shooting the main event I was busy shooting them. Here are a few of the shots I got. Thanks again for letting me tag along guys. I had a great time! Hopefully this was the first of many more weddings to come!!!