The day came and it just happened to coincide with the sunflowers being in bloom at Buttonwood. We went out in the sweltering heat and got some great pictures. Well Mason made his early arrival (about 3 weeks before my wedding) and we have been loving him to pieces ever since.
I was PSYCHED when Jenn called me and said she wanted me to get some family pictures at Buttonwood again this year! So Michael and I went up, shot in the sweltering heat, and were rewarded with dinner AND coffe mocha cruch ICE CREAM... heavenly! These are just a few of the pictures we got this year... enjoy!
(and yes I know the "watermark" is all messed up but I can't quite figure it out right now so I'll have to fix that later. Just wanted Jenny to see her little Mason asap!)
Oh and to give credit where credit is due I had my AMAZING 2nd shooter with me. He got some great shots, a few of which are up on my blog. Introducing the wonderfully talented... Michael Troester to the blog!!! The last sunflower shot is his and I LOVE it! He will be surpassing me in skill in no time :)