So I am going to meet with Jason Bergmeier a photographer on Saturday after I get my hair chopped and I am so excited. I am a huge fan of his work, he pretty much rocks my socks off! And he is the absolute sweetest husband EVER! I wrote him and email asking about his wedding photography and this is how he started his email back to me:
Hello Shannon:
Congratulations to you and your fiancé on your recent engagement. I can't begin to tell you what an exciting time you both are about to enter. My wife and I have been married for 10 months and it has been unreal.... I never thought I could love someone so much and that my love would grow so deeply. I have no doubt that you two will be in the same place.
How freaking cute is he! I am soooo excited to meet him and discuss wedding photography! You should definitely check out his blog because like I said he ROCKS! I dont know how to do those cool click on links so you are going to have to cut past and copy... sorry lol.

Congratulations on your new camara...
I don't know how I never noticed that I put Jason in this post LOL. I saw it a few months back and meant to change it but never did. Now I think it's funny so it will stay this way :)
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