Oh I know... I joined a new gym. Yes me and my BFF Elyse joined a new gym. We decided we want to look gorgeous for all these weddings we have coming up so we thought this was the best way to do it. Well when you join our gym you get a free personal training session, so we took them up on their offer and went. Let me tell you... I have never been in so much pain IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! Now I am not completely new to working out. My fiance is a health nut so I usually work out with him but NEVER like this! My trainer had me start with walking lunges (just saying the word sends shivers down my spine!). I HATE walking lunges! Megan used to make us do them in college, Michael has tried to get me to do them since, and I HATE THEM!!! My nice little trainer man made me do FOUR sets of them! That may not seem like a lot to you cute little fit girls out there but let me tell you for me... it was a LOT! My body was giving up at the end. I would go down in lunge position and try to come back up but my legs were just having none of it. They literally would not come back up when I told them to, they were like HECK NO SISTER, WE ARE DONE! It was hysterical to see me try to walk for the next 2 days. I was in so much pain, it really was quite sad! Michael got mad at me for something one night so when I went upstairs to go to bed (which by the way it probably took me about 23 minutes to get up our one flight of stairs) he decided he was going to take all of my bathroom supplies; my hair dryer, brush, makeup, etc, and methodically place these items about 5 feet apart all over the living room floor. Normally this would have been annoying and childish but I would have just went, picked them all up and been done with it. Well I was in so much pain I could barely move, let alone SQUAT down to pick up my belongings. Lets just say I barely made it to work that morning, and Michael barely escaped with his life! You will all be happy to know I have since recovered from my personal training session :) And shockingly I have continued to go to the gym almost every day since. My short term goal is to loose 10lbs by May 2nd... just in time for my 2nd set of engagement pictures with the uber talented Jacob Bergmeier of NODO Phogography! I will keep ya'll posted with my progress :) (since I know you are all hanging on the edge of your seats waiting to find out what happens!:)
Now just for fun because I simply cannot make a post without a picture... this is where I wish I were right now! Instead of here in crappy old Connecticut!

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